Puppy ID: male-yorkie-puppy-3 Category:


SALEM is a HANDSOME little male YORKIE (YORKSHIRE TERRIER) puppy! His Sire is a rare black Yorkie imported from Ukraine. There will be no registration papers with this puppy because the building in Ukraine that had the registration records was bombed during the war. He is so excited sit in your lap and give you puppy kisses! He loves to be held and has his bags ready to come home!!! He is ready to come home to his new family around February 23, 2024!!! His beautiful Dam weighs 6 pounds 15 ounces. His handsome Sire weighs 6 pounds. His birthdate is December 15, 2024. His weight on 01/19/25 is 1 pounds 1 ounce! He is current on vaccinations and has been dewormed. His adoption cost is $1310.00 with a signed agreement to neuter him at 6 months of age. His adoption cost with breeding rights is $1885.00. State sales tax is included. Shipping is available for an additional charge. MC# 933000321055963