BETSY is a gorgeous little creme colored Female MALTI-POODLE puppy! She is so excited to see her new home and play with her new toys and cuddle up on your lap!!! She will be ready to come home to you around May 12, 2023!!! Her beautiful Maltese Dam weighs 7 pounds 6 ounces. Her handsome red toy poodle Sire weighs 4 pounds 9 ounce. Her birthdate is March 3, 2023. Her weight on 04/06/23 is 1 pound 2 ounces! She is current on vaccinations and has been dewormed. Her adoption cost is $1475.00 with a signed agreement to spay her at 6 months of age. Her adoption cost with breeding rights is $1975.00. State sales tax is included. Shipping is available for an additional charge. She is micro-chipped. MC # 933000320620979
FEMALE MALTI-POO!!! – $1475.00
by Sue Fitzgerald | Apr 6, 2023 | MALTI-POO